By Arturo Belano

TWO faculty members of the Far Eastern University joined the 21st AsiaTEFL International Conference held in South Korea.

The professors are Robert John P. Pastera and Faith Edlehn Jovellanos of the Department of Language and Literature.

Pastera physically presented his paper “Narratemes and Binary Oppositions in Philippine Folk Literature.”

Jovellanos, on the other hand, virtually presented her paper “Genre Analysis of Digital Advocacy Infographics: Inputs into a Genre-Based Approach to Purposive Language Education.”

The 21st AsiaTEFL International Conference aimed to suggest visions for and aspirations of ELT in Asian contexts and to foster closer friendships and tighter networks among scholars and practitioners whose work involves ELT policies or practices relevant to Asian contexts or students.

The conference was headed by Prof. Hee-Kyung Lee and Prof. Robert J. Dickey, Conference Chairs of AsiaTEFL.