By Junex Doronio

MANILA — Expelled by the House of Representatives in August 2023 over his continued absence from his duties amid allegations of masterminding the assassination of Negros Oriental Gov Roel Degamo and five others in March 2023, former Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves is now under house arrest in Timor-Leste.

This was confirmed on Thursday by Department of Justice (DOJ) Undersecretary Raul Vasquez after Teves’ lawyer Ferdinand Topacio claimed that his client had been released.

“We learned from Timor Leste Prosecutor General that former Cong. Teves is now on house arrest,” Vasquez quipped.

The DOJ also said extradition proceedings were ongoing.

“Regardless of whether he is in custody, rearrested, or on house arrest, he is under the control of the police authorities. Simply put, he is deprived of liberty,” Vasquez pointed out.

The DOJ further disclosed that Teves would be under “24-hour security, with only family members permitted to visit him.”

“The government will maintain close oversight of the situation to ensure that all procedures are both valid and appropriate,” the justice department said.

Local websites in Timor-Leste reported about the house arrest issue, which was also confirmed by Topacio.

“After having determined that he is not a flight risk and that he has not violated any laws, he was placed under guard in his residence simply to ensure his attendance in the hearings,” Topacio said.

(el Amigo/mnm)