DARAGA, Albay – Among the 15 million single parents in the Philippines, nine out of 10 are women.

As the world marks Mother’s Day on Sunday (12 May 2024), we share to honor the remarkable journey of a widowed mom who shoulders the responsibilities of solo parenthood with unwavering love.

Dona Marie Marcayda-Loveres, 39, vividly recalls the poignant Mother’s Day gift from her sons in 2020.

“My two boys, then aged 8 and 9, presented me with a handwritten card and makeshift envelopes containing their savings, urging me to use it for our needs,” she reminisces.

“Their empathetic gesture moved me to tears, revealing their profound understanding of our struggles.”

A public school teacher in Albay province, Dona Marie became a single mother of two after her husband succumbed to bacterial meningitis in 2014. Mother’s Day, once a cherished occasion spent with her late husband, now evokes both nostalgia and gratitude for her family’s resilience.

“My late husband, a simple yet loving man, made every Mother’s Day special by cooking our favorite dishes and spending quality time together,” she fondly recalls. “He epitomized service and cherished family bonds.”

Forced into the solitary journey of parenthood with two toddlers while pursuing her education degree, Dona Marie faced daunting challenges. “Balancing childcare, academics, tutoring, and entrepreneurial ventures to sustain our livelihood amid grief was incredibly taxing,” she reflects.

Assuming the dual roles of mother and father proved to be her greatest trial. “I’d reassure my children, ‘Papa will provide,’ when leaving for work and return home as ‘Mama’ to care for them,” she shares pensively.

Amidst grappling with feelings of inadequacy, Dona Marie finds solace in celebrating small victories and practicing self-compassion. “Acknowledging my efforts, however modest, and assisting my sons with their studies amidst my myriad responsibilities brings immense fulfillment,” she affirms.

Now, as her sons approach adolescence, Dona Marie prioritizes their emotional well-being while managing her roles as an educator and entrepreneur. “Mother’s Day holds profound significance as my boys express their admiration and gratitude,” she beams.

Dona Marie’s journey stands as a beacon of hope for solo mothers navigating uncharted waters. “Despite life’s trials, we must trust in a guiding light and find solace in our children’s unwavering love,” she asserts. “Though the grass may not be greener, our children illuminate our path. Belief and prayer sustain us through adversity.”

Reflecting on her resilience, Dona Marie credits her upbringing. “I draw strength from my mother, a paragon of resilience,” she declares proudly.

(ia/mnm/Source: PNA)