MANILA – Starting Tuesday, oil companies will implement a price increase of less than 50 centavos per liter.

According to separate advisories from Caltex, Cleanfuel, Jetti, Petro Gazz, Seaoil, and Shell, gasoline and diesel prices will rise by PHP0.40 per liter.

Additionally, Caltex, Seaoil, and Shell will increase kerosene prices by PHP0.30 per liter.

Other industry players are expected to follow these adjustments.

Last week, the oil companies had mixed price changes, with a decrease in gasoline prices but increases in diesel and kerosene prices.

Data from the Department of Energy (DOE) revealed that as of last Tuesday, year-to-date price adjustments have resulted in net increments of PHP7.15 per liter for gasoline and PHP4.45 per liter for diesel.

Conversely, the year-to-date price for kerosene has seen a net decrease of PHP1.35 per liter.

(el Amigo/MNM)