DEPUTY Majority Leader and Iloilo First District Representative Janette Garin stressed that the 20 percent cap on appointing professors in state universities and colleges (SUCs) must be increased to 50 percent or removed to support educators’ professional growth.

During the congressional debates at the plenary level, Garin urged her fellow lawmakers to amend the guidelines of National Budget Circular (NBC) No. 461, particularly on the 20 percent cap.“

In the University of the Philippines (UP) walang limit [ang pagpo-promote ng mga professors]. However, in the other universities, as stipulated in the guidelines of DBM (Department of Budget and Management) and as stated in NBC 461, nagkaroon po ng 20 percent cap,” the House appropriations committee vice chairperson said.“

It is now an opportunity for Congress to have this amended. Either remove or increase the 20 percent to 50 percent, or we can have it similar to UP na walang limit,” Garin pointed out, adding that the provision “demoralizes” the professors.

NBC No. 461 states that “[t]he quota for the rank of Professor shall be adjusted to 20 percent of the total number of faculty positions of each SUC.”

The lawmaker furthered that the cap should not deter the professional growth of qualified professors.

Garin also cited that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) will support the amendment of NBC No. 461.

“If we remove the 20 percent [cap], then CHED will also be very happy,” she said.