Amenah Pangandaman, Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management, has commended the achievements of the Marcos administration, particularly in its efforts to restore the Philippines’ standing on the global stage and transform it into an attractive investment destination.

In a recent radio interview, Pangandaman highlighted the administration’s remarkable initiatives, which resulted in an increase in foreign investments and international recognition of the country’s growth trajectory. This influx of business opportunities has played a pivotal role in driving the nation’s economic progress.

A key advantage of becoming a focal point for investments is the potential to generate more job opportunities for the Filipino workforce, leading to further economic advancement. To support these objectives, the government is committed to accelerating GDP growth within a range of 6.5 to 8.0 percent in the medium term.

Looking towards the future, the administration has set ambitious goals, such as achieving a single-digit poverty level, reducing the country’s deficit by 3.0 percent, lowering the GDP debt ratio, and aspiring to attain an upper-middle-income economy status by 2025. By pursuing these targets, the government aims to uplift the nation and enhance the overall well-being of its citizens. (ai/mnm)