By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Jinggoy Estrada recently submitted a bill proposing greater public involvement in the legislative process, allowing citizens to contribute to the creation or modification of laws through online platforms.

The bill, officially known as Senate Bill No. 2344, is titled the “Crowdsourcing in Legislative Policymaking Act.”

“Under this proposal, individuals can participate in the legislative process — from the First Reading to the Third Reading — through crowdsourcing,” stated the senator.

If enacted, the measure would permit individuals or groups to engage in crowdsourcing, defined as the practice of involving people or a collective towards a common goal, often focusing on innovation, problem-solving, or improving service efficiency.

Through various social media channels and online portals affiliated with the Senate and the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office (PLLO), the public will be able to share their insights or comments on the committee’s deliberation of a specific bill.

“During the peak of the pandemic, everything went virtual, including the legislative proceedings. It was during this time that we observed resource persons actively participating in Senate hearings or committee sessions,” noted the lawmaker.

(el Amigo/MNM)