By Junex Doronio

MANILA — Apprehesive of the possible abolition of the Senate, former Supreme Court (SC) Associate Justice Antonio Carpio on Sunday (29 Jan 2024) said the House of Representatives could transform the government into a parliamentary system if an ongoing People’s Initiative (PI) campaign prospers.

Citing duplication of legislative work and the “inefficient populist” presidential form of government, some groups have aired preference for a unicameral legislature and under the parliamentary system of government is headed by a prime minister, who will be elected among members of parliament.

“They can convert the government to parliamentary kahit 24 senators will oppose, balewala ‘yan,” Carpio said in an interview with TeleRadyo Serbisyo.

It can be noted that the ongoing PI, one of three ways to revise the constitution, seeks that senators and congressmen vote jointly on charter change proposals, instead of separately as two houses of Congress.

This would mean the 24 senators will be outnumbered by the House of Representatives composed of 316 congressmen, 253 from congressional districts and 63 party-list representatives.

Carpio also agreed that the ongoing people’s initiative — which he has also dubbed as “unconstitutional” — would result in a “constitutional crisis” because the House could “abolish” the Senate.

“Under the proposal nila, the present people’s initiative, pag pumasa ‘yan, the House alone can convene as a constituent assembly to propose amendments to the constitution,” Carpio said.

Meanwhile, the Diskarteng Pinoy in Region 7 has expressed favor in charter change to push for economic reforms, with foreign investors coming into the country to provide jobs and high wages to Filipino workers.

The group is also campaigning for a parliamentary system of government, saying it has been proven effective in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and many European countries.

(el Amigo/MNM)