Facebook hacking incidents have reached a concerning level, as reported by the Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG).

Over the past three years, the number of reported Facebook hacking incidents has shown a worrying upward trend.

In 2021, there were 503 incidents, followed by 1,402 incidents in 2022, and from January to June 2023, 743 incidents have already been reported in just a span of six months.

According to Capt. Michelle Sabino, the spokesperson for PNP-ACG, cybercriminals have been employing increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit compromised accounts, resulting in severe financial and emotional consequences for the victims.

The main motive behind these hacking incidents is to manipulate the identity of compromised account owners, enabling cybercriminals to execute various fraudulent schemes.

These unscrupulous individuals use the hacked accounts to create deceptive scenarios, deceiving others into sharing personal information or providing financial aid under false pretenses.

Capt. Michelle Sabino emphasizes the importance of securing your Facebook account not only to protect your personal information but also to prevent cyber criminals from victimizing others using your identity.

In case of any suspicious activity or if you suspect your Facebook account may have been compromised, it is crucial to report it immediately to Facebook’s support team or your local law enforcement agency. (AI/MNM)