According to a report by Daily Mail Australia, Kanye West and his Australian partner, Bianca Censori, faced a lifetime ban from a Venetian boat rental company following a recent indecent exposure incident in Italy.

The controversy erupted last Monday when the couple was seen engaging in an intimate moment on a water taxi in Venice, with West exposing his bare buttocks in front of stunned tourists.

Images of the incident captured the American rapper, aged 46, seated at the rear of the river taxi, while his Australian companion, aged 28, rested her head in his lap.

Venezia Turismo Motoscafi, the company that had rented the boat to West and Censori, provided an exclusive statement to Daily Mail Australia, confirming that the couple is “no longer welcome” on their boats.

In their statement, the company condemned the couple’s inappropriate behavior while acknowledging that they were “completely unaware” of the incident until the photos were made public. They also stated that the boat’s driver, who was responsible for navigating through traffic, did not witness the indecent act. If he had, the driver would have promptly disembarked and reported the individuals to the appropriate authorities. Furthermore, the presence of a third person on board obstructed the captain’s view to the stern.

The third person in question was a woman who had been accompanying West and Censori during their Italian holiday.

The company distanced itself from the couple’s explicit display, stating, “We completely disapprove of such behavior. Mr. West and his wife will certainly no longer be welcome on board our company’s boats.”

Venezia Turismo Motoscafi is a prominent private navigation company in Venice, known for serving various celebrities, including Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Florence Pugh, Jennifer Lopez, and Ben Affleck.

This incident raised questions about whether Kanye’s public display constituted “public indecency,” which carries a fine of up to €309 (AU$520), according to the Italian Constitutional Court.

Online critics expressed their concerns, with one commenter questioning why the couple wasn’t arrested for lewd behavior and another suggesting that such acts should be kept private. Some even called on Italian authorities to take action, as there were likely crowds, including children, who witnessed the incident. (Sourced online: AI/MNM)