MANILA — Chinese vessels have once again obstructed the Philippines’ resupply mission at Ayungin Shoal. This most recent blockade involved two Chinese Coast Guard ships and ten maritime militia vessels.

The Philippines was conducting its third resupply mission in just five weeks to its military outpost on the BRP Sierra Madre when the blockade happened.

A United States-based security expert, Ray Powell, reported that an additional Chinese cargo ship was spotted in the area using an automatic identification system (AIS) for unclear purposes.

Powell, who leads Project Myoushu at Stanford University’s Gordian Knot Center for National Security Innovation, also pointed out that China’s AIS-tracking site revealed two smaller militia ships (Qiong Qio Ghai Yu 11003 and 11004 assisting in blocking the entrance to Ayungin Shoal, in addition to the eight militia ships.

The Chinese cargo ship was identified as Chang Zheng 1 Hao.

Recent AIS data showed that Philippine escort vessels BRP Cabra and BRP Sindangan were surrounded by Chinese Coast Guard vessels and at least four militia ships, located 18 kilometers from Ayungin Shoal.

Powell speculated that the escort mission might have been completed since both Cabra and Sindangan had turned back to the east.

Powell also noted that previous resupply missions had encountered “dark” Chinese Coast Guard ships, which means these vessels were not broadcasting AIS signals. He couldn’t confirm if such dark ships were present during this incident, but the increased deployment of militia ships suggested fewer Chinese Coast Guard vessels compared to previous blockades.

Highlighting the long-standing issue, Powell emphasized that China had been blockading the Philippines’ outpost on the BRP Sierra Madre for years, preventing its repair and aiming to force it to eventually break up and be abandoned.

It was gathered that China’s ultimate goal is to gain full control of Second Thomas (Ayungin) Shoal, with Powell characterizing the situation as a ticking time bomb for the Philippines’ BRP Sierra Madre.

He concluded by condemning China’s illegal blockade of the Philippines’ naval outpost aboard the BRP Sierra Madre at Second Thomas (Ayungin) Shoal as an outrage. (ai/mnm)