By Dang Samson Garcia

SENATOR Lito Lapid joined the nation in honoring teachers who continue to mentor and guide the youth in spite of the growing challenges in this ever-changing world.

“As we celebrate the National Teachers’ Month, I join the rest of our country in honoring our oft unsung heroes who sacrifice so much in serving and educating our youth in all corners of the country, especially in the remote areas where even the government barely reach,” Lapid said in a statement.

The lawmaker stressed teachers play an invaluable role in preparing and molding the next generation of Filipinos who will be the future leaders, public servants, and citizens.

“I continue to wish you all well and pray for your good health and fortune as you perform your vocation and sworn duty to our country,” he added.

“I will forever be grateful to my teachers who guided me to the right path and helped me fulfill my dreams. Please rest assured that all of us in the Senate will always be here to support you and provide you with whatever assistance we can give,” Lapid further said.

“Thank you very much, dear teachers! The future of our country is in your hands,” he stressed.