By Liezelle Soriano

OFFICE for Transportation Security (OTS) Deputy Administrator Assec. Jose Briones Jr. said that the female security officer swallowed bills amounting to $300 and not a bar of chocolate.

Briones confirmed this when he was asked during the budget hearing of the Department of Transportation (DOTr) in the Senate regarding the incident on Tuesday.

“Initially that was the cover-up or alibi, but subsequent footages caught by the CCTV… was she swallowed dollar bills,” he said.

Briones said the results of the investigation of the incident will be out in a month.

According to DOTr Secretary Jaime Bautista, 19 NAIA employees have already been fired from their positions beginning July 2022 because they were caught stealing. “

They were caught stealing, getting something from the baggage of our passengers,” Bautista said. (ai/mnm)