MANILA — President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has Saturday (30 Dec 2023) called on Filipinos to embody Dr. Jose Rizal’s “genuine love” for the Philippines by fostering a “deep and personal” connection to their homeland and future.

“On the 127th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Dr. Jose Rizal, I urge all of you to continue emulating the timeless values found in his life and works,” Marcos stated in his message for this year’s Rizal Day commemoration.

He further implored everyone to let the authentic love for the country that Rizal exemplified guide them toward a profound and personal sense of ownership for their land and future.

More than a century after Rizal’s demise, his influence persists in a world still grappling with various forms of greed, oppression, and injustice, Marcos noted.

The President encouraged everyone to strive to “walk with the same purpose, passion, and nationalism,” overcoming challenges and working towards a brighter tomorrow.

“With our meaningful commemoration, may the ideals and spirit of Dr. Jose Rizal live on as we fully realize the Philippines that he and his contemporaries fought hard for,” he emphasized.

Marcos highlighted that Rizal’s martyrdom played a pivotal role in consolidating the Philippine independence movement, ultimately giving birth to the nation.

He underscored that Rizal’s sacrifice was the culmination of a lifetime commitment that began in his youth and childhood, embracing the wisdom of family, teachers, and peers, leading to a lifelong pursuit of excellence for a greater goal.

The President, accompanied by First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos and their children, led the ceremony for the 127th anniversary of Rizal’s martyrdom at Rizal Park in the City of Manila.

After a simultaneous flag-raising ceremony across historical sites nationwide, Marcos offered a wreath at the Rizal National Monument.

This year’s theme for the commemorative rites is “Rizal: Pundasyon ng Kahapon, Isinasabuhay Ngayon” (Rizal: Foundation of Yesterday, Lived Today).

The National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), in collaboration with various government agencies, organized several activities in honor of Rizal.

Rizal was executed on Dec. 30, 1896, at 7 a.m. by a firing squad at Bagumbayan (now Rizal Park) on orders of the Spanish colonial government for the crime of rebellion after the Philippine Revolution broke out, mainly inspired by his writings.

On Dec. 20, 1898, then-president Emilio Aguinaldo issued a decree declaring Dec. 30 as a day of national mourning for Rizal and other patriots who died during Spanish rule.

The Philippine Commission, in 1902, enacted a law declaring Dec. 30 as Rizal Day, making it an official holiday.

(Jr Amigo/IA/MNM)