By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Grace Poe on Sunday (04 Feb 2024) said that the fresh attempt to hack a government website was “alarming and outraging.”

“While the DICT foiled the intrusion try, the recent incident was a stark reminder that cyber attacks have become bolder and more relentless,” Poe said.

Earlier, the Department of Information and Communications and Technology (DICT) disclosed the attempted attack on the website of several government agencies this past week.

Poe urged the concerned government agencies to take a cue from the findings of the DICT on the suspected source of threat actors on the privacy and security.

“Fortifying website firewall and systems should be the task of all agencies maintaining online presence,” the senator said.

“All means should be explored to keep the people’s data secure and uncompromised.”

(el Amigo/MNM)