MANILA — The Philippine Sports Commission (PSC), in partnership with the Philippine National Anti-Doping Organization (PHI-NADO), sought to allay public concerns surrounding the participation of athletes in the Olympics.

Philippine Sports Commission chairman Richard Bachmann announced on Friday, assuring that the commission is diligently working towards full compliance with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code.

This response follows earlier reports suggesting a lack of adherence to the WADA Code by the commission, raising potential risks to the Philippine flag’s presence at the Paris Olympics, Paralympic Games, and other significant regional competitions like the Asian and Southeast Asian Games.

Initially given a deadline of January 22 by WADA, the PSC’s compliance timeline was extended to February 13 following the evaluation of PHI-NADO’s initial submission of requirements by the anti-doping agency.

According to the PSC’s statement on Friday night, PHI-NADO engaged in a series of compliance-related activities from September to December of the previous year. Currently, certain revisions to crucial Code requirements are underway based on WADA’s evaluations, with PHI-NADO anticipating closure within the next 21 days.

WADA’s letter to the PSC underscored the imperative for the sporting commission to adhere to the Code, specifically in developing and implementing an effective, intelligent, and proportionate Test Distribution Plan encompassing all Registered Testing Pool athletes from various sports or disciplines.

The letter stated that the PSC has until February 13 to contest WADA’s allegations of non-compliance, the associated consequences, and the proposed reinstatement conditions. Failure to dispute within 21 days would lead to the allegations being deemed admitted, automatically accepting the consequences and reinstatement conditions proposed by WADA.

The PSC stressed that these consequences were “avoidable” and emphasized their ongoing collaboration with WADA to address any remaining concerns. They expressed unwavering commitment to ensuring that national athletes can continue to compete on the global stage with honor and integrity.

(By el Amigo/MNM)