MANILA – A group of devotees of the Black Nazarene on Thursday filed charges against drag artist Pura Luka Vega over his controversial act.

In a joint affidavit-complaint filed at the City Prosecutor Office of Manila, members of the Hijos Del Nazareno (HDN) accused Vega (Amadeus Fernando Pagente in real life) of violating the Revised Penal Code and the Cybercrime Prevention Act.

“Pura Luka Vega’s unabated sacrilege consisting of blasphemy (verbal) and desecration (physical) acts committed and perpetrated through and with the use of information and communications technologies, having been posted by him online and shared and reposted by netizens, therefore available to the public, and unremorseful attitude insults our faith and strongly offends our religion in clear violation of (the law),” they said.

The petitioners noted that Vega committed acts that “offend any race or religion”, and “are contrary to law, public order, morals, and good customs” that are prohibited in the Revised Penal Code.

They added that such crimes were committed “through and with the use of information and communications technologies” as provided under the Cybercrime Prevention Act.

“As a Catholic congregation and devotees of the Black Nazarene, Pura Luka Vega’s acts and actuations constitute a direct attack on our Lord, our God and savior, Jesus Christ. His acts cut painfully deep right into the core of our faith and belief, painfully wounding us spiritually, morally, and mentally,” they said.

The group added that “an attack on our God is a direct attack on our faith and on our being”.

In July, Vega’s performance went viral, where he was seen wearing a makeup and costume resembling Jesus Christ.

The video also showed that he was jamming with a crowd to the popular Catholic liturgical song “Ama Namin” (The Lord’s Prayer).

The HDN also alleged that Vega has been impersonating and mimicking Jesus Christ and ridiculing Catholic religious practices since 2021.

They pointed at a social media post where he is critiquing a “host” and committed blasphemy by printing and selling online shirts using the same colors as that of the Black Nazarene.

The HDN is a lay organization recognized by the Quiapo Church, whose members are serving and assisting the parish in all its activities, on behalf of the devotees of the Black Nazarene. (PNA)