MANILA — Senator Sonny Angara on Thursday (01 Feb 2024) assured the public that the upcoming Senate hearing on Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 6, scheduled for Monday (05 Feb 2024) will exclusively focus on the three proposed amendments to the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution.

As the leader of the subcommittee under the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Codes, Angara emphasized, “No discussion of political amendments,” in a Viber message to reporters.

He further clarified that the discussion will be confined to the contents of RBH 6, a proposal he filed along with Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri and Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda.

Angara ensured that Constitutional experts would be invited to represent various sectors, fostering healthy discussion and debate.

RBH 6 specifically targets amendments to Section 11 of Article XII (National Patrimony and Economy), Paragraph 2, Section 4 of Article XIV (Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports), and Paragraph 2, Section 11 of Article XVI (General Provisions).

Zubiri explained that the amendment aims to “constitutionalize” the Public Services Act, currently under Supreme Court scrutiny, and streamline regulations to facilitate increased foreign investments in the country.

Anticipating the Senate’s deliberations on RBH 6, House Majority Leader Rep. Manuel Jose “Mannix” M. Dalipe and NPC House bloc leader Rep. Jack Duavit expressed optimism that the discussions would elevate the discourse on amending the economic provisions of the Constitution.

Dalipe stated, “We welcome…let’s bring it out to a higher level of discussion, particularly the meat of the matter, the economic amendments to be made to help this country.” He affirmed the House’s patience in waiting for the Senate’s decision on the measure.

Duavit acknowledged the significance of the official deliberations on RBH 6, expressing, “This is a start of things simmering down and getting back to work, so we welcome it very much.” He emphasized that the House has already made its stance on RBH 6, leaving it to the Senate to decide on the measure.

The House leadership has committed to adopting RBH No. 6 once it receives approval from the Senate.

(By el Amigo/MNM)