By Junex Doronio

MANILA — Believe it or not but former president Rodrigo “Digong/Rody” Roa Duterte who called God “stupid” and said 90 percent of Catholic priests are homosexuals or “gays” now attends Mass three (3) times every Sunday.

“On Sundays, I go to Mass. Three times. One in the morning, noontime mass, and in the evening,” Duterte quipped during a recent press conference in a Davao City hotel.

It can be recalled that in 2018, Duterte stirred controversy with his remark on the Biblical creation story and commented that God was “stupid” for allowing temptation to corrupt Adam and Eve.

He also criticized the Catholic observance of All Saints and All Souls’ Days, saying the saints were just drunkards and that the people could instead put a picture of “Santo Rodrigo” on their altars.

Much earlier, in 2015, Duterte said he had cursed out Pope Francis over the traffic that was caused by his visit to the Philippines.

“I am a very holy man. I’m a whole human being now,” Duterte claimed.

While president, Duterte clashed with the Catholic church leaders and human rights advocates over his administration’s bloody war on drugs.

Political pundits told Maharlika NuMedia that the “360-degree transformation of Digong” was meant to impress the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigators — if they are indeed in the country — that the ex-president is now a changed man.

The question is: Will the rebranded Duterte be able to convince the ICC?

(el Amigo/MNM)