By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — Department of Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has ordered the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to investigate the bomb threats sent through email to government agencies.

Remulla said that there should be no place for pranks or spreading fear among the people.

“Let this be a warning to those behind this that we will not tolerate such acts and we will go after you with the full extent of the law,” Remulla said.

On Monday (12 Feb 1024), a bomb threat email was sent to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Department of Education in Olongapo City and Balanga City.

The unknown e-mail sender identified himself as Takahiro Karasawa, supposedly a Japanese lawyer from a certain “Steadiness Law Office,” and a highly knowledgeable bomb-maker.

In the e-mail, Karasawa emphasized that bombs would rock major Philippine government agencies on February 12, 2024 approximately 3:34 pm.

(el Amigo/MNM)