Amid the controversy involving the Department of Tourism over an “irresponsible and erroneous” production of a tourism campaign video, Sen. Robinhood “Robin” C. Padilla is hopeful that Philippine tourism will recover and prosper.

Padilla stressed that the essence of the DOT’s slogan “Love the Philippines” as a message of love from the Philippines and the Filipino people to the world should not be lost on the public.

“I hope that at the same time as we move forward from this thick issue, the unity of all under the same banner: the promotion of Philippine tourism as a Filipino citizen bound by love for the country (I hope that as we recover from this controversy, we will unite under our flag to promote our country’s tourism as Filipinos who love their country),” he said on his Facebook account.

He added that as a member of the Senate’s Tourism Committee, he is one with the Filipino people in wanting to see a resolution to the controversy that dogged the DOT’s tourism campaign video, as well as making sure those liable are punished.

Padilla said he believes in Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco, as well as the DOT’s prompt action on the issue.

“As your public servant and a member of the Tourism Committee in the Senate, I am with every Filipino in seeking clarity on the lack of video campaign launched by the Department of Tourism. We also recognize the immediate action of the DOT to ensure that the responsible anyone who is guilty (As your public servant and member of the Senate’s tourism committee, I am one with Filipinos in looking for a resolution to the campaign video mess – even as I acknowledge the prompt action of the DOT to ensure those who are liable are punished ),” he said.

“All the significant contributions of Secretary Frasco and all the constituents of the DOT should not be set aside and overshadowed by controversy. That is why our support and trust in Secretary Frasco and the Department will not stop (Secretary Frasco’s contributions, as well as those of everyone in the DOT, should not be disregarded because of the controversy. That is why I still support Frasco and the Department),” he added.

Meanwhile, Padilla visited Alaminos City in Pangasinan on Wednesday. “Long live our Tourism (I support our tourism),” he said. (AI/MNM)