MANILA — In a move to address the escalating involvement of police officers in heinous crimes, Senator Raffy Tulfo is advocating for a Senate investigation into the disappearance of beauty queen Catherine Camilon.

In his proposed Senate Resolution 913, Tulfo highlights the pressing need to review the screening process and retention criteria for police officers currently on active duty.

“The involvement of police officers in heinous crimes [has] been increasing in the past months and there is a need to review the screening process of police officers as well as the retention of officers in active duty,” Tulfo wrote in proposed Senate Resolution 913.

The senator emphasizes that the investigation is not only essential for unraveling the mystery surrounding Camilon’s disappearance but also to ensure swift justice for her family.

Camilon’s sister, Chin-chin, first sought public assistance on October 16, 2023, via social media to locate her missing sister. Five days later, Camilon was officially declared a “missing person” after a close friend revealed her alleged relationship with Police Major Allan de Castro.

De Castro, whom Camilon was supposed to meet on the day of her disappearance, denied any involvement. However, based on CCTV footage from October 12, 2023, it was revealed that De Castro allegedly provided Camilon with the vehicle she was seen driving away in.

Witnesses reported seeing Camilon, bloodied and being transferred from her car to another vehicle on October 12, mentioning the presence of Jeffrey Magpantay in the area. The recovered hair and blood from the vehicle matched Camilon’s DNA profile, confirming the gravity of the situation.

Despite ongoing efforts to locate Camilon and the reward for information currently at P250,000, investigators suspect she may have met an unfortunate fate, as witnesses have provided compelling accounts suggesting her demise.

As of October 26, 2023, Police Major Allan de Castro has been placed under the Regional Personnel Holding and Accounting Unit as a person of interest.

Police Brigadier General Paul Kenneth Lucas announced De Castro’s dismissal on January 16, citing conduct unbecoming of a police officer, specifically his alleged illicit and extramarital affairs with Camilon.

In connection with Camilon’s disappearance, kidnapping, and serious illegal detention complaints have been filed against De Castro, his driver-bodyguard Magpantay, and two unidentified individuals.

(el Amigo/MNM)