By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Benjamin Acorda Jr. announced on Monday (22 January 2024) that six PNP personnel have tested positive for shabu or methamphetamine.

“Six individuals tested positive for methamphetamine… Confirmatory tests were conducted, yielding positive results as well,” stated Acorda.

“Rest assured, the PNP will not tolerate such behavior, and we will ensure that appropriate charges are filed to address this issue and uphold the uncompromising principles of a drug-free police force,” Acorda added.

A total of 4,614 personnel, including 4,517 uniformed personnel and 97 non-uniformed personnel, underwent random drug testing.

The nation’s top police officer revealed that, in the first 18 days of the year, authorities discovered P132 million worth of illegal drugs.

(el Amigo/MNM)