MANILA — Beijing reiterated its firm stance on rejecting any claims or actions arising from the South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal’s ruling.

“China’s position on the arbitral award in the South China Sea is consistent and clear. The arbitral tribunal exceeded its jurisdiction and issued an illegitimate ruling. The resulting award is deemed illegal, null, and void,” stated China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Mao Ning, during a press conference on May 31, 2024.

Mao Ning emphasized that the award is not part of international law and has undermined the international rule of law.

She further stated that China neither accepts nor recognizes the award and will never accept any claims or actions stemming from it.

According to Mao Ning, China’s stance is intended to uphold the integrity and authority of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the international rule of law. “The truth is not hidden from the world,” she asserted.

She also noted that China’s position has garnered understanding and support from the international community, with many fair-minded individuals around the world criticizing and questioning the arbitral award.

(Rep. by el Amigo/MNM)

By El Amigo

MANILA — China expressed on Friday (31 May 2024) its willingness to maintain open channels of dialogue and communication with the Philippines amid rising territorial claims in the South China Sea.

On Wednesday (May 29, 2024), China responded to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s concerns regarding new regulations the Chinese Coast Guard issued on the same day.

These regulations, which could lead to the detention of foreign nationals in the disputed waters, were described by Marcos as “worrisome” and an “escalation of the situation.”

President Marcos emphasized his commitment to seizing every opportunity to engage with China, aiming to curb aggressive actions and safeguard the rights of Filipino fishermen in the South China Sea.

During a regular press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning reiterated China’s openness to dialogue and communication with the Philippines.

She emphasized the importance of genuine dialogue and the necessity for any agreements reached to be adhered to, cautioning against the continuation of provocations under the guise of seeking dialogue.

This stance underscores the delicate balance both nations seek to maintain amidst their ongoing maritime disputes.


By Junex Doronio

MANILA — After Defense Secretary Gilbert “Gibo” Teodoro Jr. accused China of “gutter-level talk” for its reaction to President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s congratulatory remark to Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-Te, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning on Thursday sternly warned the Philippines against making provocations on the Taiwan issue.

At the same time, China reiterated its call to the Philippines to adhere to its one-China principle and stop its “wrong words and deeds” about Taiwan.

“China will never accept anyone making provocations on the Taiwan question and we will fight back,” Mao said at a regular press conference.

Political pundits told Maharlika NuMedia that this may trigger more Chinese incursions and aggression in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

Earlier, Teodoro Jr. assailed Mao for insulting Marcos Jr. and by stooping to what he called “low and gutter level talk.”

The defense chief was reacting to Mao’s statement on Tuesday (January 16) suggesting that “Marcos read more books to properly understand the ins and outs of the Taiwan issue.”

“Unfortunately, the PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson stooped to such low and gutter level talk—resorting to insulting our president and the Filipino nation, and further debasing herself, the Ministry, and the Party she represents in the process,” the DND chief said in a statement on Wednesday (January 17).

Gibo accused Mao of “spouting State-sanctioned propaganda and disinformation.”

(el Amigo/MNM)