By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Raffy Tulfo wants to revoke the franchise  of National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) for failing to stabilize power systems of the grid.

“Panahon na para mas mapabilis ang pagrerebisa at agarang pagtanggal ng prangkisa ng NGCP. Mahigit isang dekada at kalahati nang nagsasakripisyo ang taumbayan sa mga kapalpakan nila. Enough is enough!” Tulfo said.

The chairperson of the Senate committee on energy made the statement after days of blackout in Panay Island.

The senator pointed out that this was the second time something similar had occurred, citing the Panay and Negros outage in April 2023, and that it might be cause for the corporation’s franchise revocation.

The House Committee on Energy has scheduled the probe on power outage in Panay Island on January 11 (Thursday).

Earlier, three senators have also sought for investigation of the power outage.

(el Amigo/MNM)