By Junex Doronio

CEBU CITY — Stressing that he could not say “no” to an invitation to attend the 8th Eastern Economic Forum in the City of Vladivostok, Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama is leaving for Russia on Friday, September 8, 2023.

In a Zoom press briefing, Rama noted that Russia provided the Sputnik vaccines to the city during the vaccination stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also cited that Vladivostok is a sister city of Cebu City, reputedly known as the Queen City of the South.

The forum in Vladivostok is slated from September 10 to 13, 2023.

Rama said that he would be back in this city by September 17.

He disclosed that Cebu City’s delegation includes lawyer and Councilor Jocelyn Pesquera, lawyer Jerone Castillo, the legal and budget officer; Collin Rosell, city administrator; and Armi Lopez Garcia, consul for the Russian Federation, among others.

Rama further said some of the activities that he would be attending would be the Agrobiotechnology discussion, Russia-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Business dialogue, and Eastern Economic Forum.

Meanwhile, Rama also debunked the “nasty rumors” that his recent travel to the US was to seek medical intervention, particularly for cancer treatment.

However, the mayor admitted that he is diabetic and has hypertension. (ai/mnm)