By Junex Doronio

MANILA — Filipino fishermen have experienced harassment from the China Coast Guard (CCG) in Bajo de Masinloc in Zambales, which is the southeast entrance of the Scarborough Shoal.

This was confirmed on Sunday by Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Commodore Jay Tarriela who said they have tracked the origin of the videos circulating online which showed personnel from the CCG accosting Filipino fishermen after the latter were spotted collecting sea shells in the area.

“The PCG has successfully identified the origin of the videos and has taken steps to gather sworn statements from the individuals involved,” Tarriela claimed.

He said that based on the testimony of a certain Jack Tabat, five CCG personnel on board a rubber boat approached them.

Four of them disembarked the rubber boat and went after the Filipino fishermen, Tabat said.

“Mr. Jack Tabat from Zambales has admitted that the video came from their boat, FB Legendary Jo. According to his statement, on 12 January 2024, Filipino fishermen who were collecting sea shells near the South entrance of BDM experienced harassment from the China Coast Guard. The fishermen were instructed to return the shells they had gathered to the sea and were subsequently driven away,” Tarriela said.

(el Amigo/MNM)