Typhoon “Egay” wreaked havoc as it traversed the Philippines, causing significant damage to crops and infrastructure across 13 regions.

Though the storm has finally departed, the aftermath reveals a grim picture of destruction and loss.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) assessed the damage, reporting that agriculture suffered an estimated loss of P833,889,970.48, while livestock losses reached P23,762,020.

Additionally, infrastructure damage amounted to a staggering P1,191,137,926.36.

The impact on livelihoods was severe, affecting 76,093 farmers and fisherfolk and damaging 91,651.56 hectares of crops.

Moreover, Typhoon “Egay” took its toll on vital infrastructure, with 155 roads, bridges, schools, and government facilities bearing the brunt of its fury.

The typhoon’s wrath also resulted in human casualties, with the death toll currently at 14. Among these, six deaths have been confirmed, while eight are still undergoing validation. In addition, 13 people sustained injuries, and 20 individuals are reported missing at the time of this report.

As the affected regions strive to recover from the devastation, the nation stands in solidarity, offering support and assistance to those in need. (IA/MNM)