By Liza Soriano

SENATE President Juan Miguel Zubiri is blaming poor-performing Cabinet members over the decline of approval rating of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.

In a recent survey of Pulse Asia, it showed that the approval rating of Marcos went down from 80 percent to 65 pecent.

Zubiri then urged Marcos to “crack the whip” on his Cabinet members.

“The number 1 na kinakaharap ng ating mga kababayan ay ang inflation… at pagtaas po ng presyo ng basic services. Kung ako po ang tatanungin ninyo, ang suggestion ko sa ating Pangulo, to crack the whip [on] his Cabinet. Lalo na yung mga poorly performing members of the Cabinet na imbes na tumulong ay lalong napeperwisyo ang ating Pangulo,” Zubiri said.

“If the problem is inflation, look at the agencies that’s supposed to trace and track why is there overpricing?… Bakit nagkakaroon ng hoarding? Bakit wala pang nahuhuling hoarders? Bakit wala pang pinapagalitang price manipulators on the market side?” he added.

The Senate President believes that Cabinet members who are poorly performing must be replaced.

“If they are not performing up to par with the President’s standards and where the country needs for them to be doing, I think they should be replaced, to be honest,” Zubiri said.

Meanwhile, he said that there three or four people in his mind who must be relieved from their post, however, refused to name them.

“May mga ahensya diyan na sa tingin ko, tanggalin na talaga yung mga secretaries at palitan na ng mga bagong secretary na sa tingin ko may puso para sa masang Pilipino. Para sa ganun, aksyon agad. Pag umakyat agad ang presyo ng bilihin sa delata, sa mga sardinas, sa isda, sa manok, sa bigas at pagkain ng taumbayan, aksyon agad,” the lawmaker furthered.
