By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — Newly appointed Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada clarified that external forces did not play a role in the recent change of leadership within the Senate.

“There were no outside forces. It was a decision made among our colleagues here,” stated Estrada.

However, Estrada disclosed that he had a conversation with Senate President Chiz Escudero, who expressed interest in the Senate presidency.

“Three days ago, Senator Escudero called me, expressing his interest in the Senate presidency. We had a discussion, and after deliberation, I decided to support him,” Estrada revealed.

Acknowledging the weight of his decision, Estrada expressed mixed feelings. “It’s not easy to remove a friend from a position,” he added.

When asked about the reasons behind his support for Escudero, Estrada declined to provide specifics, citing confidentiality. “There are various factors and considerations involved, but I cannot disclose them publicly,” he stated.

(el Amigo/MNM)