By Patricia Lanzagarita

STUDENT volunteers  from the Far Eastern University bagged the Best Paper award in the ASEAN Youth Week 2023 for their EdukAksyon project.

The team wrote and presented a project proposal that focuses on the needs of students with disabilities. The paper highlighted the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal #4 – Quality Education.

Suzanne Angela Dela Cruz, vice president for External Affairs of Tamaraw Volunteers, stressed the importance of addressing the root causes of the issue.

“What sets our work apart is having our resolution address the roots of the issue and not only settle for band-aid solutions,” Dela Cruz said.

She encouraged the youth to avoid limiting themselves and use their creativity and courage to make success stories.

“Actual platforms like the ASEAN Youth Week celebration give us the chance to stimulate intellectual discussions to forge meaningful networks and secure partnerships,” she said.