MANILA — National Security Adviser Eduardo Año on Sunday (16 June 2024) commended the G7 nations for their robust position against China’s aggressive maritime activities in the South China Sea. He highlighted the group’s support for international law and the rules-based global order.

Año praised the G7 communique from Apulia, Italy, which denounced China’s unilateral attempts to alter the status quo in the East and South China Seas through coercion or force.

He expressed gratitude for the G7’s condemnation of hazardous maneuvers and the use of water cannons against Philippine vessels, viewing it as a recognition of the threats faced by the Philippines and an affirmation of the need to uphold maritime law.

He reiterated that China’s extensive maritime claims in the South China Sea lack legal foundation, aligning with the G7’s opposition to China’s militarization and intimidation tactics in the region. Año emphasized the importance of adhering to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and recognized the 2016 Arbitral Award as a key legal precedent for resolving disputes peacefully.

Año concluded by reaffirming the Philippines’ commitment to collaborating with the international community to maintain peace, stability, and security in the South China Sea, advocating for the area to remain a zone of peace and cooperation.

(el Amigo/mnm)