By Liezelle Soriano

PRESIDENT Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has expressed his deep appreciation for the dedication and commitment of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) personnel in ensuring the nation’s maritime security.

Among those recognized were CG PPO1 Jason S. Nicol and CG SN1 Joseph Rivera, both of whom were awarded the Distinguished Coast Guard Cross Medal and Ribbon by the President.

“Let me first convey my profound appreciation, on behalf of a grateful nation, to the PCG for their unwavering service during times of calamity, for safeguarding our country’s maritime security, advocating for our maritime rights, combatting the entry of smuggled goods, preserving our marine environment, and ensuring the safety of our fisherfolk as they pursue their livelihoods,” Marcos expressed during the 122nd Founding Anniversary of the PCG.

The Chief Executive also expressed gratitude to the PCG for their achievements in fulfilling their duty, which, he said, consistently championed the rights and welfare of the nation and its people in the face of formidable challenges.

“As we embark on a new chapter, I urge all of you to continue working closely with other relevant agencies as you carry out this invaluable and essential mandate,” Marcos said, emphasizing the need to consolidate strengths for the benefit of all Filipinos.

“Rest assured that this administration stands firmly by your side in your plans and efforts to enhance, expand, and modernize your capabilities and services, enabling you to make a greater contribution to the security and welfare of our people and the nation,” the President added.

The PCG maintains 601 lighthouses that are critical for navigation to ensure maritime security and safety. Last month, the PCG removed a floating barrier installed by China that was obstructing Filipino fishermen in Bajo De Masinloc.

Previously, the PCG also successfully removed floating barriers placed by the China Coast Guard at the southeast entrance of Scarborough Shoal.
