By Liza Soriano

MANILA — The Supreme Court has sided with the camp of Atty. Argel Cabatbat and declared him as the rightful representative of the Magsasaka Partylist.

In its decision, the High Court ruled that Soliman Villamin Jr., the respondent, cannot be considered the representative of the Magsasaka Partylist as he had already been removed as Magsasaka’s National Chairperson.

Moreover, the Supreme Court stated that the Commission on Elections (Comelec) should have denied due course to Villamin’s representation since he misrepresented himself as the National Chairperson of MIP.

“This Court finds that the COMELEC gravely abused its discretion when it focused on purely procedural matters and disregarded the substantive issues raised by MAGSASAKA in the proceedings below. It refused to acknowledge established party practice and substituted its mandate over that of MAGSASAKA, thereby unlawfully instituting Villamin as its National Chairperson,” the Supreme Court said in its decision.

The Court further stated that since Villamin was no longer the National Chairperson of Magsasaka, his nominee, Roberto Gerard L. Nazal Jr., could not have been validly proclaimed as Magsasaka’s Partylist Representative in the House of Representatives.

“The rightful owners of the Magsasaka Partylist are the Filipino farmers, and this victory in the Supreme Court is a victory for all our farmers,” Cabatbat said.

The MIP had filed a petition for Certiorari with an Application for Issuance of a Writ of Preliminary Injunction, Status Quo Ante, and/or Temporary Restraining Order, which was granted.

While the case was pending, Cabatbat, in his personal capacity, continued to provide assistance to Filipino farmers, ensuring their welfare and livelihood.

He assisted Ilocano farmers in Amai to bring their concerns to Malacañang after they were expelled from their land. Cabatbat also helped report the killings of farmers in Siaton, Negros Oriental, to the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and the bulldozing of their homes.

With Cabatbat’s assistance, the farmers’ land in Coron, Palawan, and the lagoon belonging to the Tagbanua Indigenous People, which a foreigner had attempted to claim, were successfully reclaimed.

Cabatbat also challenged Executive Order No. 62 before the Supreme Court, opposing the reduction of tariffs on imported rice, which threatened to drive local farmers into financial hardship.
