By Liezelle Soriano

THE Department of Justice said that the subpoena issued against former employee of Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) Jeff Tumbado has not yet been served due to a wrong address written on his affidavit.

“I can confirm that though a subpoena was issued, it could not be served due to the incorrect address on Mr. Tumbado’s affidavit,” DOJ spokesperson Mico Clavano said.

Clavano said that the NBI is in the process of serving another subpoena to the right address.

“This will delay the process a little bit as he was supposed to appear already on Monday if he had written only the right address,” he said.

Clavano advised Tumbado to contact the NBI if he still wishes to attend on Monday.

Tumbado was the former executive assistant to suspended LTFRB chairman Teofilo Guadiz III, and he previously accused Guadiz to have allegedly given corruption money to Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista.

However, recently he recanted his allegations, saying that his statements was”borne out of impulse, irrational thinking, misjudgment, and poor decision-making.”

Earlier, Bautista denied the corruption allegations against him and said that he will file charges against those individuals who accused him of the wrongdoing. (ai/mnm)