By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Nancy Binay has urged the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to implement a recording of meetings to enhance clarity and accountability within the agency.

“Perhaps it would be more beneficial to have actual recordings. Maybe you could consider requiring not just minutes but actual recordings of PAMB hearings. Because if it’s just minutes, it’s not clear what the exchanges were, what explanations were given,” Binay stated.

The senator’s remarks come after learning that the DENR is sometimes unaware of certain details discussed in Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) meetings due to the absence of their representatives.

“It’s surprising to find out that PAMB conducts hearings—which are chaired by the DENR Director—without audio/video recordings to validate the official minutes of the meeting,” she added.

The Senate is currently holding a hearing on the construction of a resort in the Chocolate Hills.

(el Amigo/MNM)