By Junex Doronio

MANILA — Expressing fear that building military infrastructures in Batanes Island may only heighten the regional tensions in the South China Sea, House Deputy Minority Leader and ACT Teachers party-list Rep. France Castro on Sunday called for a critical assessment of the long-term consequences of such move.

Castro made the statement on the heels of arrival of two ranking United States Army engineers in Batanes Island ostensibly to prepare for the construction of military infrastructure, including a humanitarian logistics warehouse, as part of the Balikatan military exercises.

“The military transformation of such an idyllic island is highly deplorable and would further escalate the growing tensions in the South China Sea. It would also make Batanes a target of attacks as it would be a forward base of the US if China moves against Taiwan,” the opposition lawmaker said.

She added that instead of “militarizing Batanes,” there should be efforts to uphold peace and stability in the region.

Castro denounced the “militarization of Batanes Island,” which she said may heighten the regional tensions in the South China Sea.

“If this happens or if China escalates its aggression in the West Philippine Sea then we would be right smack in the middle of an inter-imperialist war, making the Philippines the theater of war in Southeast Asia,” she quipped.

(el Amigo/MNM)