By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Pia Cayetano expressed alarm at the recent seizure of a parcel containing millions worth of assorted cannabis-infused disposable vapes at one of the ports.

“There are already thousands of unknown harmful chemicals found in vapes. The addition of cannabis — which remains an illegal substance in the country — exacerbates these already grave health risks, especially among our youth,” Cayetano stated.

The senator also referenced the recent vape-related death of a 22-year-old male who reportedly used vape daily for two years.

The Global Youth Tobacco Survey revealed that approximately one out of seven youth, aged 13 to 15, are already using vape.

“We must act swiftly to protect our children and communities from these emerging threats before it’s too late. The alarming crisis of youth vaping and potential addiction to illicit drugs demands our urgent attention,” Cayetano emphasized.

“This is a glaring reminder for us to stay vigilant and proactive in safeguarding public health.”

(el Amigo/MNM)