By Liza Soriano

Senator JV Ejercito has expressed his divorce support, stating that “no one deserves to be miserable in life.”

Ejercito acknowledges the Church’s defense of the sanctity of marriage but argues that Filipino couples should not be trapped in loveless and unworkable marriages.

“Sometimes things just don’t work out. I believe that everyone deserves another chance to be happy in life. No one deserves to be miserable,” the senator said.

“This is a difficult issue. As a representative of the people and a Catholic, I am currently in the process of discernment. I intend to listen and actively participate in the Senate deliberations,” he added.

Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada previously surveyed senators regarding the divorce bill.

In the survey, six senators voted in favor of divorce while five opposed it.

The divorce bill has passed the third and final reading in the House of Representatives.

(el Amigo/MNM)