By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Chiz Escudero has welcomed the move of the House of Representatives to pass legislation that would increase the minimum daily wage of Filipino workers in the private sector.

“It is nice to see that things are moving forward not only for the Filipino workers but also for both houses of Congress,” Escudero said.

The Senate last week passed the third and final reading of Senate Bill 2534 which would grant a P100 increase in the daily minimum wage of employees in the private sector.

House Majority Leader Manuel Jose Dalipe said over the weekend that the House leadership is studying proposals for P150 and P350 in daily minimum wage hikes.

“Our workers are enduring tough times, and as their representatives, we must find substantial solutions to alleviate their financial burdens,” Dalipe said.

The House Committee on Labor and Employment is scheduled to convene on Wednesday to discuss the two measures seeking a legislated wage hike for private-sector workers.

(el Amigo/MNM)