By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Jinggoy Estrada is urging an investigation into the ambush of four Army soldiers in Datu Hoffer, Maguindanao del Sur to evaluate the peace and security situation in the region.

“Despite substantial government resources being allocated to comprehensive peace efforts and addressing the root causes of insurgency and violent extremism over the years through a whole-of-nation approach, the threat to security and stability in the area persists,” stated the Chairperson of the Senate Committee on National Defense and Security.

Estrada submitted Senate Resolution No. 984, calling for the appropriate committee to assess the performance of the military and law enforcement agencies, ensuring that necessary measures are in place to safeguard the country.

The lawmaker emphasized that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) must receive full support in eradicating lawless elements who engage in acts of terror, chaos, and violence, instilling fear and undermining public safety.

“Given the looming threat of further attacks, the public needs assurance that the military establishment and law enforcement authorities are effectively managing the situation. Upholding and fostering lasting peace are primary objectives of the State as it strives for inclusive development and sustainable economic growth,” remarked Estrada.

The victims of the March 17 attack, dressed in civilian clothing and traveling in a civilian vehicle, were returning to the military patrol base after purchasing food for “Iftar” for the Muslim community in the area.

They were ambushed along Tuayan 1 road in Datu Hoffer Ampatuan, Maguindanao.

(El Amigo/MNM)