By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Jinggoy Estrada on Friday (24 May 2024) said he has favored the release of retired former Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) agent Jonathan Morales due to humanitarian considerations.

Morales was released on Thursday (23 May 2024) night.

“Despite the seriousness of the issues that former PDEA agent Jonathan Morales is facing before the Senate — particularly his lying under oath before the Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs — I have decided to give my consent to releasing him from Senate detention because of humanitarian considerations,” Estrada said in a statement on Friday, May 24.

The senator explained that his decision was influenced by Morales’ age and the need for him to be with his family.

“I considered his situation, given his age and the need for him to be with his family. Therefore, I decided to allow him to go home.”

Morales was earlier cited in contempt for allegedly lying during the hearing of the so-called “PDEA leaks.”

Estrada hopes that citing Morales in contempt will serve as a lesson to those who will testify in Senate hearings.

“Let this serve as a lesson to future witnesses: lying in Senate hearings is never acceptable and will not be tolerated.”

(el Amigo/MNM)