By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Robin Padilla is urging the Philippine Navy to consider acquiring Multi-Purpose Amphibious Aircraft (MPAA) to prevent a recurrence of tensions between the Philippines and China in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

Padilla emphasized that MPAA could serve multiple purposes, including Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR), Search and Rescue (SAR) operations at sea, and surveillance.

“The MPAA can significantly expedite supply missions without the need for escorts, avoiding delays in case of any interference with our watercraft,” Padilla stated during his privilege speech.

Highlighting the versatility of amphibious aircraft, Padilla noted their capability to take off and land both on land and water.

Padilla underscored that, compared to the current resupply missions using watercraft, which may take a day and a half to reach BRP Sierra Madre, the MPAA could accomplish the same mission in five to eight hours.

“This aircraft will be a valuable asset for patrolling not only the West Philippine Sea but also the various islands of our country,” the senator added.
