MANILA — In a speech delivered on Thursday, February 8, 2024, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. called upon the Muslim community to become “agents of transformation,” contributing to a vision of a more peaceful, inclusive, and progressive Philippines for all its citizens.

Addressing the gathering during the observance of the Isra Wal Mi’raj, The Night Journey, and Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad, President Marcos highlighted the significance of this event in Islam.

He emphasized how the journey of the Prophet Muhammad symbolizes the rewards bestowed upon those who hold steadfast faith in the All-Hearing and All-Seeing Allah.

“Through these teachings, we are not only bearers of our faith but also instruments of renewal and transformation here on Earth,” Marcos stated.

Expressing his desire for the occasion to serve as a wellspring of strength and inspiration for Muslim Filipinos in times of adversity, Marcos underscored the narrative of Isra Wal Mi’raj as a testament to the greatness and benevolence of Allah.

He urged the community to draw courage and optimism from this event, as they collectively strive to shape a brighter future for the nation.

Isra Wal Mi’raj commemorates the miraculous journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, where he ascended to the seven stages of heaven, marking a pivotal moment in Islamic history.

(el Amigo/MNM)