By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — The Supreme Court has announced the establishment of a “Judiciary Integrity Email,” allowing the public to report corrupt judges and lawyers through email.

“In our commitment to eradicate corruption in our courts, we have created the email address for the public to send actionable information regarding any violations of anti-graft laws, our Code of Judicial Responsibility, and other relevant laws by any judge, justice, or court personnel,” reads Memorandum Order No. 72-2024.

This initiative follows the suspension of a judge and an employee from Pasay City due to bribery allegations.

“The public is advised that actionable information is often used as a basis for entrapment operations to eliminate corruption in the judiciary. Therefore, posting such information on social media or any public platform prematurely can hinder our ability to arrest and prosecute the offenders,” the memorandum added.

The Supreme Court assured that whistleblowers with credible information will receive proper protection. Lawyers involved in, advising on, or tolerating any form of corruption will face severe consequences.

(el Amigo/MNM)