MANILA – Larger and slower aircraft, such as the NC-212i medium transport, are better suited for maritime air patrols, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. said.

“For maritime patrols, faster aircraft like the FA-50 are less effective because their speed limits their ability to observe objects below. We prefer using slower aircraft for these missions,” Brawner told reporters when asked about the feasibility of deploying the FA-50PH for maritime surveillance.

The FA-50PH can reach speeds of up to Mach 1.5—one and a half times the speed of sound—while the NC-212i has a top speed of 230 miles per hour.

Brawner noted that the choice of aircraft for specific missions depends on the ground commander. He also mentioned that they are awaiting a report from the NC-212i crew regarding their encounter with Chinese military aircraft on August 8 at Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), where the Philippine plane was reportedly harassed.

So far, the AFP has received information about dangerous maneuvers and the dropping of flares by Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force aircraft during the Philippine Air Force’s maritime patrol.
