By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Sonny Angara has stated that he has no plans to run for any position following his upcoming appointment as the Department of Education Secretary.

Angara’s term as a senator will end in June 2025.

When asked if he would run for a local position such as congressman, governor, or vice governor, he responded negatively.

“No. I’ve been there already. I was a congressman for several years… Next year marks my 12th year in the Senate… You could say I’ve graduated from that,” Angara said.

“We’re not leaving. We won’t turn our backs on our duties just to run for political office. I think one of the concerns of the education sector is that the job might be neglected in favor of personal political ambitions. That won’t happen,” the senator added.

In response to groups urging against appointing a politician as the new DepEd Secretary, Angara said he understands their concerns but emphasized that he will not use his new position for political gain.

“I understand their opinion, and they have a point because they fear that if a politician takes the position, they might use the department for political purposes… I would never do that,” he said.

Earlier, various groups urged President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. not to appoint a politician.

(el Amigo/mnm)