By Junex Doronio

MANILA — Is hitting a security guard with a paint spray an exercise of freedom to peaceably assemble?

Apparently having enough of rabble rousers, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla on Friday (19 July 2024) said the Department of Justice (DOJ) will go “all out” in support of the security guard who sustained a head injury after he was allegedly hit with a spray paint can by a demonstrator.

“The State unconditionally respects the right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of their grievances,” Remulla stressed in a statement.

But freedom is never absolute.

“However, in the name of justice and fair play, this right must end once the right of others begins,” Remulla pointed out.

The DOJ chief’s statement came after a security guard was allegedly hit on the head with a paint can after he reportedly scolded a protester for spray painting graffiti on the wall of the DOJ building.

The protesters argued that spray painting was part of their freedom of expression.

One of the rallyists was subsequently brought to the Manila Police District Ermita Police Station after the incident.

For his part, DOJ spokesperson Mico Clavano asked protesters to “drop the anger and violence.”

“We urge rallying groups to avoid the rage rhetoric culture when rallying, understand what your true reason and motive why you are demonstrating, drop the anger and violence, let’s talk peacefully, convince rather than coerce,” Clavano said.

(el Amigo/mnm)