By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Win Gatchalian highlighted the rationale behind his newly filed bill on Thursday, June 13, 2024, which seeks to ban the use of gadgets in schools. He expressed concern that students are spending excessive time on their cell phones.

“Our point is that children are losing too much time on their phones. We want them to focus more on studying and playing,” said Gatchalian.

Under the proposed Electronic Gadget-Free Schools Act (Senate Bill No. 2706), the Department of Education will be required to establish guidelines to prohibit the use of mobile devices and other electronic gadgets within school premises during class hours.

Gatchalian noted that children today prefer using their cell phones over interacting with their classmates.

“They are forgetting how to socialize and make friends. There are also new studies showing that excessive gadget use, particularly social media, can negatively impact mental health, especially due to issues like cyberbullying,” Gatchalian explained.

The Teachers’ Dignity Coalition has previously stated that gadget use should be regulated rather than completely banned.

(el Amigo/mnm)