By Liza Soriano

MANILA – Despite not receiving an invitation from the Committee on Human Rights, Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa has stated he will not attend the House of Representatives’ probe into the controversial war on drugs.

This decision follows the advice of Senate President Chiz Escudero.

“I sought the advice of the Senate President on what to do. I have no problem; I can face them anytime. But still, I have to follow the guidance of the Senate President as a member of the institution, the Senate of the Philippines. I need to follow his guidance,” Dela Rosa said.

“His response was, ‘No, you don’t have to attend,’ because there are ongoing discussions in the Senate that every time a senator’s name is mentioned in their hearing, it breaks inter-parliamentary courtesy. What can a senator do? There are only 24 of us. If we keep attending their hearings, the Senate will be unable to perform its legislative functions,” the former national police chief added.

Dela Rosa clarified that he is simply adhering to the long-standing tradition in the Senate to follow the directives of their top leader.

“We have to seek guidance because that is an enshrined practice, a tradition among legislative chambers to observe inter-parliamentary courtesy,” the lawmaker said.

Dela Rosa also challenged those who argue that he and former President Rodrigo Duterte should be held accountable for their roles in the campaign against illegal drugs to file appropriate cases in Philippine courts.

“If they want, they can file a case. We are ready to face any court here in the Philippines,” he said.

(el Amigo/MNM)